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Upamanyu Kar is well-known for making revolutionary approaches to education (in-practice). His innovative teaching methods have provided openness, wisdom and further avenues to think, to create and to re-create. One of his Creative Researches in the field of artistic education is named as "The Art of Pure Teaching" - which is an example of his unique thought process on education and on research. The Purpose Statement along with formulation of The Art of Pure Teaching is the following, divided in Two consequent lines, which imply Two consequent steps to follow (one after the other): 




















Line 1 / Step 1:  "Teach yourself purely in order to attain pure pleasure;   " 

Line 2 / Step 2:  Follow and execute all of the contents (INCLUDING the semicolon and the space(s)) provided inside the double quotation marks in 'Line 1 / Step 1'. 





(Educationist and Researcher of the Occult Sciences, India.)  





 (While formulating the Purpose Statement of the Creative Research named as "The Art of Pure Teaching".) 






Publications in Progress (as Parts of the Creative Research named as 'The Art of Pure Teaching' - all of which are authored by UPAMANYU KAR):



1. Beral O Kakatua - A Satire on the Indian "Academia"  (Language:  Bengali)  -  A Book. 


(English Title: The Cat and the Cockatoo - A Satire on the Indian "Academia" - is a satirical short novel written in the Bengali Language, which describes the pretentious activities of some "academic-minded disciples of God" in a certain "Pathshala" located in a village named as "Koltola" in the Eastern Part of India.) 


Suitability of the Age for Reading:  All Ages. 



2. Ma, Meye O Myao  (Language:  Bengali)  -  A Book. 


(English Title:  The Mother, the Daughter and the Cat - is an Educational Scripture, which contains many hilarious "real-life" incidents of familial education which happened during the following time span:  2020 - 2022 C. E.). 


Suitability of the Age for Reading:  All Ages. 



3. Public Shikkha Ebong Takatua  (Language:  Bengali)  -  A Book.  


(English Title:  Public Education and the 'Takatua' - is a Fable having the "quasi-protagonist" named as 'Takatua', which represents "semi-vague" yet vulnerable aspects of the human mind resulting in improper channelization of resources and information, which seems to occur from "confusing" (?) confusion related to the differences in approaches towards Life and Education.) 


Suitability of the Age for Reading:  All Ages. 




4. Exploring the Beautiful World of Western Music  (Language:  English)  -  A Fictional Novel on the Language of Western Art Music (Divided into Four Parts).  


(Synopsis:  The biologically male Protagonist, while completely unnamed throughout the entire Novel, seems to magically change his own identity quite frequently. For this, he overpowers the known concepts of Time, Space and Reality by manipulating them, while accessing a miraculous gateway through universality. While, in the known world, people are deluded because of his magical adventure, he uses their perception as a "mirror" through advancement of his own research. For all of his magical endeavours, the Protagonist chooses an interesting fluid solution - Music, which is a universal language, to continuously surpass his own previous abilities of miraculous creativity. The Novel, divided into four parts, explores the fields of all primary areas of Western Music, namely: Rudiments, Harmony, Counterpoint, Composition, Orchestration and Music Pedagogy - which are all parts of the Protagonist's magical and miraculous journey.) 


Suitability of the Age for Reading:  All Ages. 



5. Atmar Diary O Workshop  (Language:  Bengali)  -  A Magical and a Miraculous Book.  


(English Title:  The Diary Regarding the Workshop of the Spirits - is a Magical and a Miraculous Book, which will / will NOT be Published at the Author's Sole Discretion. It is often suggested by certain individuals that the Book is "not just an Artwork, but a Miraculous Treasure", which is potentially "a very rare, precious gift to humanity.") 


Suitability of the Age for Reading:  All Ages. 

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